Special System Inspections
We can help with specific commercial and industrial applications that require special fire suppression systems.

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Specialized Applications
Fire protection for specific commercial and industrial applications may require special suppression systems. For example:
- Commercial cooking facilities
- Computer server rooms
- Motor control centres
- Engine rooms
- Paint booths
- Expensive manufacturing equipment
- Flammable/combustible liquid handling operations
- Other locations that pose unusual fire hazards.
These special fire suppression systems may incorporate multiple storage vessels of suppression agent, piping distribution networks and detection/alarm controls. The systems may also be connected with auxiliary electrical or mechanical equipment. All the components must be tested every six months to ensure proper operation and compliance with national and provincial codes and standards, including NFPA 17, 17A, 75, 76 and 96.
Complete Protection
As a full-service fire protection company, Radius Fire installs, maintains, repairs, inspects and tests a complete range of fire protection systems. Our ASTT-certified fire protection technicians ensure your system complies with the most current fire codes and standards. Protecting your life safety and providing quality customer service is how we have become one of the most reputable fire protection companies in Metro Vancouver.
If you want a simple, reliable solution for ALL of your fire protection needs? There's only one place to go. Don’t delay. Contact Radius today!
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